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The Big Apple

  • This DVD includes:

    The BIG APPLE from Keep Punchin’ and Social Big Apple Moves

      - History of the dance
      - Breakdown of 31 social moves        
      - Breakdown of 40 steps from Keep Punchin’

    The BIG APPLE became a huge craze in the late 1930’s and 1940’s. The exact origin of the dance is not clear, yet some feel that the roots of it are from “ring shouts” at religious events.

    In 1937, eight couples were chosen to showcase the BIG APPLE across the country and it gained popularity. In 1939 Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers performed a BIG APPLE routine in the movie Keep Punchin’.

    There are many variations of the Big Apple some are routines and some are done socially.  This DVD will teach you the sequence of steps done in the movie Keep Punchin’ as well as 31 socially called moves.

    The BIG APPLE is a great way to get everyone up and dancing whether it’s with a routine or just calling out the steps.

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